
Mat Tonti is a Father/Teacher/Musician/Artist/Wanderer.

I am proud to have this digital space to showcase my creations. I have always loved making music and art. For most of my youth, I could be found pounding away on a piano or doodling in the margins of my school notebooks. My earliest memory of making comics was when I watched a documentary on Charles Schultz and his famous comic, Peanuts. That very day, I created my own character named Zippy, that looked a lot like Snoopy. Ever since then, I’ve loved creating characters and giving them expression through various stories. Often times, my characters have served as my conscience as I was traveling and had no one else to talk to. I hope you find the same solace in these creations that I found when I made them.

contact: mattonti@gmail.com /Insta: @rabbimatonti